Friday, October 17, 2014

A Noticeable Difference

I saw a friend of mine recently...hadn't seen her for about a month.
 She had joined DoTERRA under me...purchasing the Physician's Kit.
 When I saw her...there was a noticeable difference.
 She had more energy... was slimmer...just looked better than I remember!  I asked her if she lost weight.
"Yes", she said.  Then she said, .."Essential oils".

  I asked "Which ones?"

 "Lavender and Frankincense".

  "Diffusing or topical?"

  "Both" "I don't feel the need to eat as much..."

Then I got to thinking..."Of course"
We often overeat or eat junk (comfort foods like chips, candy ice cream) when we feel stressed (overwhelemd, etc.) By using certain essential oils, it is like addressing an issue and we are at peace, we are supported, all is OK. We can handle the situation.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Goal: To Be Healthy

Before we talk about how essential oils help us to be healthy, remember there are some primary
lifestyle habits we need to have. A responsible person will eat right, exercise enough, rest enough, manage our stress & reduce our toxic load.  While maintaining these habits, we need to educate ourselves about how to take care of ourselves and how, when, why to use the medical profession. Below is the DoTerra Lifestyle Pyramid.